Building Health Equity Podcast | Gender-Based Violence: What Can We Do as a Community?

The eighteenth episode of the Building Health Equity webinar series has been converted into a podcast for easier listening on the go! We’ve partnered with the Share Public Health podcast series to bring you this episode. This podcast is formatted from the ‘Gender-Based Violence: What Can We Do as a Community?’ webinar, we discussed the most pressing concerns and issues related to gender-based violence in Iowa, communities that are most impacted by the issues, resources and emergency supports available for those experiencing gender-based violence as well as strategies to create a safe environment for all in the community.

Listen below or on any of the following platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsOvercastAmazon MusicCastbox, Pocket CastsRadioPublic, or Stitcher.

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Institute for Public-Health Practice Research and Policy logo
University of Iowa logo and Prevention Research Center logo

This project is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.