In the News
Mobilize Data, Research & Evaluation
Interactive Data Tools AM I Rural Tool Data on rural indicators, health disparities, health workforce, demographics. How metropolitan and nonmetro counties compare, nationwide and by state. CASPER The Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) is an epidemiologic technique designed to provide public health leaders and emergency managers with household-based information about a community.…
College of Public Health announces the Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy
As part of a reorganization within the College of Public Health, the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy will be renamed and combined with the Institute for Public Health Practice and the Center for Public Health Statistics.
Disability Exchange Podcast
The University of Iowa’s Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, in collaboration with the Midwestern Public Health Training Center and the University of Iowa College of Public Health, presents the Disability Exchange podcast series. This series is centered around elevating the voices of people with disabilities through connection and conversation.
Iowa researchers team up to address impacts of climate change on health
A team of University of Iowa researchers will pool their talents to tackle climate change and related health concerns through a new initiative that uses a “collaboratory” approach.