Melissa Richlen

Creative Media Manager/Producer

Melissa Richlen, B.A. is a Creative Media Manager/Producer for the Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy (IPHPRP) and the Midwestern Public Health Training Center (MPHTC). She has been a part of the workforce development core team in various capacities since she was brought on as a student in 2010.

In 2014, she received her bachelor’s degree in Cinema from the University of Iowa, where she focused on post-production software, animation, writing, and editing. Frequently serving as a one-person video production team, Ms. Richlen has collaborated with practice and academic partners at the state, regional, and national level.

Her production work with IPHPRP and MPHTC involves areas such as audio production, video production, photography, podcasting, digital stories, graphic design, production consultation, and project accessibility and delivery.

Past notable projects include the “Steps Forward: Student Transition During Times of COVID-19” training for University of Iowa undergraduates, “Share Public Health” podcast, and “Thriving in an Online Work Environment,” an online course collaboration between MPHTC, the Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center, and the Region IV Public Health Training Center.