The twenty-first episode of the Building Health Equity webinar series has been converted into a podcast for easier listening on the go! We’ve partnered with the Share Public Health podcast series to bring you this episode. This podcast is formatted from the ‘Advancing Health Equity in Home Health Care’ webinar, where we discuss the most pressing concerns and […]
Resources Leveraging Community InformationExchanges (CIEs) for Equitable andInclusive Data: A Vision for the Future The “Vision for the Future” enriches the CIE Toolkit by detailing how Community Information Exchanges (CIEs) support person-centered multisector data sharing, emphasizing their impact on health and well-being, guiding principles, strategies, and essential infrastructure for successful implementation. National Association of Community […]
Interactive Data Tools AM I Rural Tool Data on rural indicators, health disparities, health workforce, demographics. How metropolitan and nonmetro counties compare, nationwide and by state. CASPER The Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) is an epidemiologic technique designed to provide public health leaders and emergency managers with household-based information about a community. […]
As part of a reorganization within the College of Public Health, the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy will be renamed and combined with the Institute for Public Health Practice and the Center for Public Health Statistics.
A team of University of Iowa researchers will pool their talents to tackle climate change and related health concerns through a new initiative that uses a “collaboratory” approach.