About the Iowa Immunization Research Network
Natoshia Askelson, collaboratory director

The Iowa Immunization Research Network, headed by Asst. Prof. of Community and Behavioral Health Natoshia Askelson, is established to serve as a mechanism for supporting immunization related research by creating relationships between a diverse group of researchers and community partners. Iowa Immunizes, Iowa’s state-wide coalition supporting immunization, will leverage their relationships and experience to aid in the development of connections between researchers and community partners.
Team members
- William Doucette, MS, PhD; Professor, william-doucette@uiowa.edu; 339 CPB, Health Services Research, College of Pharmacy
- Emily Janio, MPH; MSTP, emily-janio@uiowa.edu; Carver College of Medicine
- Susan McKernan, DMD, MS, PhD; Associate Professor, susan-mckernan@uiowa.edu; N332 DSB, Preventive & Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry
- Christine Petersen, DVM, PhD; Professor, cptersen@uiowa.edu; S429 CPHB, Epidemiology, College of Public Health
- Aaron Scherer, MA, PhD; Assistant Professor, aaron-scherer@uiowa.edu; SE 611 General Hospital, Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine
- Aaron Seaman, MA, PhD; Assistant Professor, aaron-seaman@uiowa.edu; 280-B MRF, Gen Med Clin Epi & Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine
- Mark Vander Weg, MS, PhD; Professor, mark-vanderweg@uiowa.edu; N432A CPHB, Community & Behavioral Health, College of Public Health
- Melanie Wellington, MS, MD, PhD; Clinical Professor, melanie-wellington@uiowa.edu; 2040B ML, Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, Carver College of Medicine
- Paul Windschitl, MS, PhD; Professor, paul-windschitl@uiowa.edu; 272 PBSB, Psychology and Brain Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Patricia Winokur, MD; Executive Dean, patricia-winokur@uiowa.edu; 212 CMAB, Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine
- Rachel Young, MPH, PhD; Associate Professor, rachel-young@uiowa.edu; School of Journalism and Mass Communication, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Collaboratory Aims
The network will be the foundation for an aspirational goal to establish a center for immunization research at the University of Iowa. Less tangible outcomes will include new and stronger existing partnerships between researchers and community partners, which will facilitate translational science. The below outlined aims will be accomplished through a participatory, inclusive process that will benefit both researchers and community partners in Iowa.
Aim 1
To build a state-wide network of researchers, clinicians, pharmacists, dental professionals, and public health professionals to develop a research agenda to increase vaccination uptake.
Aim 2
To increase access to evidence-informed vaccination promoting strategies for all clinicians, pharmacists, dental professionals, and public health professionals.
Aim 3
To use data (immunization registry data, BRFSS data, Wellmark claims data, Medicaid claims data, electronic health records…) to inform future research and interventions.