2025 Learning Collaborative

On Tuesday, August 5, 2025 the Iowa Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy and the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services will host its fifth annual virtual learning collaborative on childhood lead poisoning prevention to advance childhood lead poisoning prevention through collective impact. The purpose of this event is to highlight programs and services throughout Iowa that have been successful in implementing strategies for addressing and preventing childhood lead poisoning. The goal is to bring together all partners and sectors that are working toward eliminating lead poisoning in Iowa.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Josie Hentzen at josie-hentzen@uiowa.edu.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts to be accepted should highlight the importance of collaboration in your work that pertains to lead poisoning prevention information, outreach, and services. Successful abstracts should also address the successes and and challenges faced by programs and partners in addressing childhood lead poisonings in Iowa.

Abstracts will be categorized according to one of the two primary session topic areas and at a minimum address one of the following:


  • Blood lead testing
  • Clinical case management
  • Lead poisoning prevention education & outreach
  • Coordination & collaboration of childhood lead services
  • Health care provider outreach and education initiatives
  • Outreach to populations disproportionately at risk of lead poisoning


  • Sources of lead exposure
  • Environmental investigation and case management
  • Lead remediation funding and rehab projects
  • Lead and housing policy initiatives
  • Lead certification

Abstracts must include the following sections:

  • Presenter information: headshot, title, credentials, and biography
  • Introduction
  • Learning objectives
  • Statement of purpose
  • Brief description of your approach
  • Concise description / summary of strengths, challenges and outcomes,
  • Conclusion

**Disclaimer: If selected to present this description will be used in the event program.

Abstracts should be uploaded as a word document or PDF.

Abstracts submission will close April 15, 2025.

Submit Your Abstract Here

If submitting an abstract for a joint presentation, all presenters must complete the abstract form. For joint presentation abstract submissions, please indicate the primary contact.

Virtual Learning Collaborative Abstract Submission

Maximum file size: 2MB

Abstract Category *

2025 Agenda

Please check back early summer for the final agenda.

Continuing Education Credits

The Institute for Public Health Practice, Research and Policy strives to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its educational programs. We are in the process of applying for continuing education credits for this event.