Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Needs Assessment

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The Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy (IIPHRP), at the University of Iowa, College of Public Health was contracted by IDPH to develop, conduct, and analyze a needs assessment to determine how IDPH can better meet the needs of the multiple stakeholders in the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program including families, communities, medical providers and contractors. The purpose of this needs assessment is to understand the strengths and challenges of the CLPPP and identify areas of improvement based on these results.

IIPHRP conducted a mixed methods assessment of the Iowa CLPPP from November 2018 to February 2019. This assessment engaged multiple stakeholders, from multiple sectors, through on-line surveys and phone interviews. The assessment was aimed at finding new approaches and key programmatic strengths and challenges by collecting information from those engaged such as contractors, collaborators, medical providers, IDPH program coordinators and direct service providers.

The results of this assessment include categorized recommendations that are intended to provide guidance to IDPH as they dedicate resources to the needs of stakeholders in the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

From this assessment, the IIPHRP in collaboration with IDPH have developed Summer Regional Trainings on childhood lead poisoning prevention. The IIPHRP in collaboration with the Midwestern Public Health Training Center have developed educational videos about childhood lead poisoning prevention in Iowa.

Click here to view the full Needs Assessment Report