Recorded Webinar | Building Health Equity Webinar Series: Advancing Health Equity and Social Justice in the Workplace

View the twelfth installment in our Building Health Equity webinar series, Advancing Health Equity and Social Justice in the Workplace. We featured Maria Torres, Health Equity Coordinator for Pottawattamie County Public Health, and Jamin Johnson, Division Chief of Equity and Planning and Health Equity Advisor for the Douglas County Health Department. This was a live session on April 12, 2023.

We discussed the importance of an equitable workplace, best practices for promoting health equity and social justice in work environments, and available tools and resources for organizations looking to advance these principles in their workplace. The session included open conversation with attendees.


  1. Discuss current issues related to equity and social justice in the workplace 
  2. Learn about the importance of a diverse workforce and how it relates to a workplace culture of social justice 
  3. Explore potential partnerships and trainings to promote equity in the workplace 

Our Speakers

Maria Torres, Health Equity Coordinator for Pottawattamie County Public Health

Jamin Johnson, Division Chief of Equity and Planning and Health Equity Advisor for the Douglas County Health Department

View the Recorded Webinar

Resources Mentioned By Our Panelists During the Webinar:

Equity of Care: A Toolkit for Eliminating Health Care Disparities

National Collaborative for Health Equity

Health Equity Assessment Toolkit

Health Equity and Social Justice Learning Modules 

Equity and Social Justice in Public Health Practice

The Office of Minority Health Resource Center

NACCHO Roots of Health Inequity Course

A podcast version of this webinar is also available.

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This project is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.