Recorded Webinar | Building Health Equity Webinar Series: Health Equity for Elders at the Community Level

View the fifteenth installment of the Building Health Equity webinar series, Health Equity for Elders at the Community Level. We featured Samantha Heibel, Director of Public Policy at LeadingAge Iowa, and Barbara Werning, Executive Director at the Heritage Area Agency on Aging. This was a live session on November 8, 2023.

We discussed the most pressing concerns and issues related to health equity and social justice among the elderly, addressed certain elder populations that are facing barriers to receiving the support and resources they need, and explored successful methods that have been implemented to ensure that all elders receive the care they need regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, and other identities.


  1. Discuss the most pressing issues related to health equity and social justice among the elderly.
  2. Address certain elder populations that are facing barriers to receiving the support and resources they need and what we as a community can do to help them.
  3. Explore successful methods that have been implemented to ensure that all elders receive the care they need regardless of their identities.

Our Speakers

Samantha Heibel, Director of Public Policy at The LeadingAge Iowa |
Barbara Werning, Executive Director at the Heritage Area Agency on Aging |

View the Recorded Webinar

A podcast version of this webinar will also be available.

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This project is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.