Recorded Webinar | Building Health Equity Webinar Series: Practicing Environmental Justice

View the second webinar of the Building Health Equity Webinar series, Practicing Environmental Justice. This webinar featured Dr. Surindar Dhesi from the University of Birmingham School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences and Jacques Colon, strategic manager for the city of Tacoma, moderated by Jared Parmater, the Environmental Health Program Manager at Black Hawk County Public Health. This was a live session on June 8, 2022.

We discussed how environmental health intersects with justice and equity, what role health departments have in environmental justice, and what needs to be considered in policies and decision-making processes to ensure environmental health is an integral part of equity. The session included open conversation with attendees.


  1. Discuss the intersection of environmental health and equity and justice.
  2. Consider the role health departments have in environmental justice and equity.
  3. Explore what needs to be considered in policies and decision-making processes to ensure environmental health is an integral part of equity.

Our Speakers

Jacques Colon, Strategic Manager, City Manager’s Office, City of Tacoma
Dr. Surindar Kishen Dhesi, Senior Lecturer at the School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham

View the Recording

Resources from the webinar:

Iowa Public Radio – Iowa’s redlined history (podcast)

KCCI Des Moines – History of redlining puts communities of color at risk (article)

The Legacy of Redlining and Segregation on Des Moines, Iowa by Kendyl Landeck (paper)

Institute of Health Equity (organization)

Violent Inaction: The Necropolitical Experience of Refugees in Europe by Thom Davies, Arshad Isakjee, and Surindar Dhesi

Public health in the Calais refugee camp: environment, health, and exclusion by Surindar Dhesi, Arshad Isakjee, and Thom Davies

Evidence, research, and publication: a guide for environmental health professionals by Rob Couch, Jill Stewart, Caroline Barratt, Surindar Dhesi, and Alan Page

A podcast version of this webinar is also available.

Institute for Public-Health Practice Research and Policy logo
University of Iowa logo and Prevention Research Center logo

This project is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.