Trainings, Webinars, and Podcasts

Explore our Building Health Equity (BHE) Training Program, which is designed to equip health department staff with essential skills, and our webinars that cover a wide range of health equity issues and topics. The webinars are also available as podcasts for convenient listening on the go. Additionally, we offer an organizational readiness assessment to evaluate your organization’s preparedness to implement the BHE Training Program.

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Building Health Equity Training Program

What: Consecutive sessions that build off one another (includes asynchronous and face-to-face activities)

Audience: Public health department employees

Building Health Equity Webinar Series

What: Hour-long recorded sessions on applying a health equity-related topic to public health practice

Audience: Public health department employees; general public health workforce

Click the button below to register for upcoming webinars and view previously-recorded webinars

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Building Health Equity Podcasts

What: The Building Health Equity webinar recordings are reformatted into podcast episodes for easier listening on the go

Audience: Public health department employees; general public health workforce

Click the button below to access podcast episodes

Building Health Equity Organizational Readiness Assessment

What: Partnership meeting to discuss organizational readiness to implement the Building Health Equity Training Program

Audience: Public health leadership; health equity champions

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