Recorded Webinar | Building Health Equity Webinar Series: Gender-Based Violence: What Can We Do as a Community?

View the eighteenth installment of the Building Health Equity webinar series, Gender-Based Violence: What Can We Do as a Community? We featured Abby Schueller, Research Associate at the Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center, and Lata D’Mello, Assistant Director at the Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity.

We discussed the most pressing concerns and issues related to gender-based violence in Iowa, communities that are most impacted by the issues, resources and emergency supports available for those experiencing gender-based violence as well as strategies to create a safe environment for all in the community.


  1. Discuss the most pressing concerns and issues related to gender-based violence through a health equity lens.
  2. Address certain populations that are most impacted by gender-based violence.
  3. Explore any potential partnerships or strategies to address gender-based violence among diverse population groups

Our Speakers

Lata D’Mello, Assistant Director at the Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity
Abby Schueller, Research Associate at the Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center

View the Recorded Webinar

podcast version of this webinar is also available.

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University of Iowa logo and Prevention Research Center logo

This project is funded by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services.